About us
The democratization and the omnipresence of the internet in our everyday life has revolutionized many trades.
Nowadays, the music industry actors on the front line but also those in the event management can not consider developing themselves without digital communication strategy. Face to this domain that is in a perpetual changing , many questions come :
– How to communicate on social networks efficiently?
– How to find and engage your target audience?
– How to better promote your online content?…
It is to answer these many questions encountered by actors of the caribbean music industry and event management that KRIBBEAN has been created.

We started with the development of a mobile application (already available for iPhone) that allows you to follow the best of Caribbean events and music news of the world. This goes from the soca and carnival of Trinidad and Tobago with all the evenings around to the reggae concerts and festivals not to be missed in the region or elsewhere in the world.
Today we help Caribbean event organizers as well as local and international artists like Ce’Cile, Popcaan, Nikki Brooks, Onirose and others to boost and qualify their online communication and better manage their social networks.
KRIBBEAN main purpose is to conquer the digital to better promote the Caribbean culture and to contribute to its international radiance.